
The pickup mechanism for a sweepstakes around the movie 'Pitch Perfect'. The minisite has three components -- web, mobile & Facebook -- and uses some advanced techniques to promote sharing on FB, Twitter & G+. Done for Brandmovers in Atlanta.


HTML/CSS, PHP, jQuery, Open Graph


Web Design, Mobile Design, Facebook Design, advanced scripting.


Prove your humanity. And who knew there were 'sweepies'?

It should probably be noted that whilst I was designing and developing the majority of these projects, I was either in direct employ or contracting to the owners; rights remain with them.
Ah, and probably listening to really, really loud music.

Portland, Maine web and identity design
© 2013 Liquid Anvil
Liquid Anvil on Facebook Liquid Anvil on Twitter Liquid Anvil on Linked In
because your web site shouldn’t suck